Letting Go of Perfect

One of the deepest honors of my life was being asked by my husband to co-write a blog with him. There is no one I admire and respect more than Jim and so I was humbled to be asked not only to be his partner in life but his partner in words. And so wisdomandfollyblog.com was born. Writing was cathartic and a wave of words came pouring out of me. I told Jim it was ten years worth of conversations I had been having with myself. Thoughts and questions I had while making sandwiches and folding laundry, not at the same time though.

Letting Go of PerfectOut of our blog came the opportunity to write Letting Go of Perfect. My original idea was to write a book for stay-at-home moms like me, sharing my journey and hopefully encouraging them in theirs. But as the process moved along, I realized that while the day to day realities of women might vary greatly, the inner realities with which we struggle are much the same. The college student and the empty nester struggle to understand the meaning and complexities of female friendship. The young mom and the single career woman fear that their vocation is lacking in eternal meaning.

I am not perfect. I have never been in the same room with perfect. Perfect won’t even give me her phone number. But I know someone who is. He came to earth, lived a sinless life, died a shameful death and rose into glorious life. And He did it so I could be perfect too. Not so I could work harder under the burden of the law but so I could live freer under the umbrella of His grace.

Letting Go of Perfect is about that the good news of that grace and letting it work its way into every aspect of our lives.

One response to Letting Go of Perfect


    i just finished your book. It truly touches the heart of all women. While it is obvious that you are a mother dealing with the everyday challenge of being the perfect mom you repeatedly spoke to me as I struggle to be the perfect wife grandmother and empty nester. I want to let go of perfect and grasp the Perfection that is Jesus Christ. Thank you for a book well written.

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